Astrology Management System

Revolutionise your astrology practice with our advanced management software. Streamline operations, from precise birth chart calculations to secure client communication. Customise reports, schedule appointments, and access analytics seamlessly. Promote your practice with user-friendly mobile access and ongoing support. Experience the future of astrology management with one powerful and intuitive tool.


Astrology Software Simplified

Generate precise horoscopes effortlessly with our state-of-the-art astrology software. No more manual calculations—experience accuracy at your fingertips.

Intuitive Horoscope Software

Decode astrological charts easily using our user-friendly horoscope software. Uncover detailed insights into personality traits, strengths, and challenges.

Real-Time Astrological Insights

Stay ahead with our real-time astrology and horoscope software. Receive instant alerts about planetary movements and their impact on your clients' lives.

Efficiency and Accuracy

Generate precise horoscopes and astrological charts quickly and accurately. Eliminate manual calculations, reducing the risk of errors.

Astrology Learning Platform

Sharpen your skills with our integrated astrology learning platform. Access lessons and quizzes, and stay updated on the latest trends in astrology.

Consult Anywhere, Anytime

Connect with clients effortlessly through our astrology consultation software. Conduct secure video calls, schedule appointments, and manage your practice on the go.


CRM Features

    Astrological Reports
  • Generates comprehensive reports on various life areas such as career, relationships, and health.
  • Provides in-depth analysis of planetary influences and their implications for different aspects of life.
  • Offers insights and recommendations for navigating challenges and maximizing opportunities.
    Customization Options
  • Allows users to customize settings such as house systems, aspect orbs, and display preferences.
  • Offers flexibility in choosing astrological traditions and methods for interpretation.
  • Provides options for adjusting the level of detail and complexity in astrological readings.
    Customer Support and Updates
  • Provides responsive customer support for technical assistance and astrological inquiries.
  • Offers regular software updates to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Engages with the user community for feedback and feature requests to enhance the software's functionality.

ERP Features

    Birth Chart Generation
  • Accurately calculates birth charts based on date, time, and location input.
  • Provides graphical representation of planetary positions, houses, and aspects.
  • Allows users to save and print their birth charts for reference.
    Astrological Interpretations
  • Offers detailed analysis of Sun signs, Moon signs, and planetary placements.
  • Provides insights into personality traits, strengths, and challenges based on the birth chart.
  • Includes interpretations of aspects between planets and their impact on different areas of life.
    Compatibility Analysis
  • Compares birth charts of individuals to assess compatibility in relationships.
  • Highlights areas of harmony and potential conflicts based on astrological factors.
  • Provides recommendations for improving relationship dynamics based on astrological insights.
    Transit and Progression Tracking
  • Tracks the movement of planets relative to the natal chart over time.
  • Alerts users to significant astrological events such as retrogrades and eclipses.
  • Offers interpretations of transit influences on personal and collective experiences.
    Daily Horoscope
  • Delivers personalized horoscope predictions based on the user's birth chart.
  • Provides insights into daily opportunities, challenges, and themes.
  • Updates users on planetary influences affecting their day-to-day lives.
    Astrological Remedies
  • Recommends specific remedies such as gemstones, rituals, and affirmations to address astrological challenges.
  • Offers guidance on timing and implementation of remedies for optimal effectiveness.
  • Suggests personalized remedies based on the user's birth chart.
    Ephemeris and Tables
  • Includes ephemeris data for accurate planetary positions and movements.
  • Provides tables and charts detailing retrogrades, planetary aspects, and celestial events.
  • Enables advanced users to perform precise astrological calculations and analysis.

HRMS Features

    Birth Chart Generation
  • Generate comprehensive birth charts for employees, providing detailed insights into their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential career paths.
  • Offer personalized recommendations based on the positions of celestial bodies in the birth chart, guiding employees in their professional and personal development.
  • Encourage self-awareness and personal growth by helping employees understand how their astrological chart influences their behavior, preferences, and career choices.
    Compatibility Analysis
  • Assess the compatibility between team members to enhance collaboration, communication, and overall team performance.
  • Identify potential conflicts or misunderstandings between employees based on astrological compatibility and provide strategies for resolution.
  • Foster stronger working relationships by highlighting shared strengths and areas of complementarity among team members.
    Career Path Analysis
  • Analyze employees' birth charts to identify their innate talents, strengths, and areas for development, guiding them towards career paths where they can excel.
  • Provide personalized career guidance based on astrological insights, helping employees make informed decisions about their career progression.
  • Use astrology to forecast potential career paths and succession opportunities within the organization, facilitating long-term talent management strategies.


Our astrology software employs advanced algorithms for precise birth chart calculations, ensuring accuracy in planetary positions, houses, and aspects, contributing to efficient astrology operations.

Yes, our software provides customisation options, allowing astrologers to customise birth charts with specific house systems, celestial bodies, and other preferences, enhancing the customisation aspect of astrology management.

Absolutely. Our software is designed to cater to the needs of both beginners and experienced astrologers, providing a user-friendly interface with advanced features for in-depth analysis and efficient astrology practice management.

The client management feature allows astrologers to organise and store client information, consultation history, and birth details in a centralised database for easy access and efficient management of astrology operations.

Yes, our astrology software includes an appointment scheduling feature with automated reminders, making it easy for astrologers to manage their consultations and appointments and streamline astrology practice operations.

Yes, the software provides an integrated messaging system to facilitate secure communication between astrologers and clients, ensuring privacy and confidentiality in astrology practice operations.

Our astrology software prioritises data security with features like end-to-end encryption, compliance tools, regular backups, and user authentication to safeguard client information, contributing to secure astrology practice management.

Absolutely. The software includes customisable report templates, allowing astrologers to create personalised and visually appealing reports for their clients, enhancing the professionalism and efficiency of astrology practice operations.

The software provides virtual consultation tools, including live chat, video calls, screen sharing, and document sharing, enhancing the overall virtual consultation experience and modernising astrology practice operations.

The billing and payment integration feature allows astrologers to integrate secure payment gateways, generate professional invoices, manage subscriptions, and access financial analytics for streamlined financial operations in astrology practice.