Interior Design Management System

GullySystem Interior Design Management Software is designed to revolutionise how you run your business. We provide comprehensive benefits personalised to interior designers' and business professionals' unique needs.


Streamlined Project Management

Efficiently manage projects from conception to completion. And organise tasks, timelines, and milestones for a smoother workflow.

Enhanced Collaboration

Foster seamless collaboration among team members, clients, and vendors. Share ideas, feedback, and project updates in real time.

Client Engagement and Satisfaction

Provide clients with a visual representation of their designs through 3D modelling. Increase client satisfaction by involving them in the design process.

Time and Resource Optimisation

Automate repetitive tasks to save time for more creative endeavours. Optimise resource allocation for maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Budget Control

Set and monitor project budgets with precision. Receive alerts for potential budget overruns and make informed decisions.

Financial Tracking and Invoicing

Streamline financial processes with built-in invoicing and billing features. Generate accurate financial reports for better business insights.


CRM Features

    Budgeting and Financial Management
  • Budgeting and Financial Management.
  • Generate invoices directly from project data for efficient billing.
  • Access comprehensive financial reports for insights into project profitability.
    Client Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Maintain a centralised database of client information project requirements, preferences, and feedback.
  • Integrate scheduling tools for client meetings and project milestones.
  • Provide clients with secure portals for project updates and collaboration.
    Document Management
  • Organise documents into categories such as project plans, contracts, permits, and client communications, with customisable folders.
  • Maintain version control for documents to track changes, revisions, and updates over time.
  • Facilitate document sharing and collaboration between team members, clients, and vendors.
    Sales Management
  • Manage client relationships and interactions within the software and sales pipeline tracking to nurture leads.
  • Generate professional quotations and proposals for design services.
  • Generate professional quotations and proposals for design services.

Project Management Features

    Task Management
  • Assign tasks to team members based on their skills, availability, and workload.
  • Set task priorities to indicate their importance and urgency.
  • Monitor the progress of tasks, track their completion status, and identify any delays or bottlenecks.
    Workflow Management
  • Design and customize workflows customised to the interior design project lifecycle.
  • Provide collaboration tools such as file sharing, comments, and notifications.
  • Automate repetitive tasks and routine processes within the workflow.
    Timeline Management
  • Define project milestones and key deliverables on the timeline.
  • Identify task dependencies and relationships to sequence activities logically, preventing conflicts.
  • Visualize project timelines providing a clear overview of project phases, task durations, and critical paths for better planning and decision-making.

ERP Management

    Resource and Inventory Management
  • Manage resources like furniture, fixtures, finishes, and equipment with inventory tracking.
  • Track inventory levels and receive alerts for shortages or overages.
  • Connect with suppliers for seamless ordering and replenishment.
    Catalogue Management
  • Organise products into categories such as furniture, lighting, fixtures, and finishes, to easily browse and search for specific items.
  • Provide detailed information and specifications for each product.
  • Include high-quality images and visual representations of products within the catalog.
    Scheduling and Calendar Management
  • Create project timelines and schedules with key milestones, deadlines, and deliverables.
  • Assign designers, contractors, and other resources to specific tasks and projects within the calendar.
  • Enable designers to schedule client meetings, design consultations, site visits, and other appointments directly within the calendar.
    Vendor and Supplier Management
  • Maintain a database of preferred vendors and suppliers.
  • Track orders placed with vendors, monitor order status, and manage delivery schedules.
  • Facilitate communication and negotiation with vendors through integrated messaging tools.

HRMS Features

    Employee Management
  • Store and update employees' personal details.
  • Enable the recording of job-related information.
  • Facilitate the storage and management of employee documents such as resumes, contracts, and certifications.
    Project Assignment and Tracking
  • Enable project managers to assign employees to specific projects.
  • Allow for the assignment of tasks and responsibilities to individual employees.
  • Provide tools for monitoring project progress, including task completion status, milestone achievements, and overall project timelines.
    Skills and Training Management
  • Maintain a comprehensive inventory of employee skills, certifications, qualifications, and professional development interests.
  • Assist HR managers in identifying skill gaps and training needs among employees.
  • Support the scheduling, registration, delivery, and tracking of training programs.
    Performance Evaluation
  • Enable managers and employees to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) performance goals aligned with organisational objectives.
  • Facilitate the collection of feedback from multiple sources.
  • Support the appraisal process, allowing managers to assess employee performance.
    Resource Allocation and Planning
  • Assist project managers and HR administrators in forecasting resource needs for upcoming projects.
  • Analyse employee skills, experience, and availability, ensuring optimal resource allocation and project success.
  • Enable the equitable distribution of workloads among team members.


Interior Design Management Software provides time management features such as calendar integration, task scheduling, reminders, and tracking. This helps designers optimise productivity and deliver projects on time.

Interior Design Management Software provides features for generating reports and analytics on project performance, financial metrics, resource utilisation, and client satisfaction. This provides valuable insights for making data-driven decisions and continuous improvement.

Interior Design Management Software includes features for seamless integration with other tools and platforms, such as accounting software, CRM, project management, and social media. This integration streamlines workflows, reduces duplication, and enhances online presence.

By using a set of tools that facilitate communication and collaboration among designers, clients, contractors, and other stakeholders, including chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and version control, interior design companies can improve teamwork, reduce errors, and ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal.

Yes, Interior Design Management Software includes client management tools, allowing you to store and manage client information, preferences, and feedback. This fosters better client service, strengthens relationships, and enhances your business reputation.

The collaboration tools in Interior Design Management Software facilitate real-time communication through chat, video conferencing, and file sharing. This improves teamwork, reduces errors, and ensures everyone is aligned towards project goals.

Interior Design Management Software provides a comprehensive set of design tools, including floor plan creation, 3D modelling, rendering, and virtual reality integration. These tools help in delivering high-quality and visually appealing design solutions.

Absolutely. Interior Design Management Software includes a feature for browsing and selecting materials from a catalogue. It helps compare prices, availability, and performance metrics, facilitating informed and cost-effective material selection.

Interior Design Management Software includes resource management features for furniture, fixtures, finishes, and equipment. It includes inventory tracking, procurement tools, and delivery schedules to improve project efficiency and reduce waste.

Interior Design Management Software allows you to create and manage project budgets, track expenses, generate invoices, and monitor financial metrics. This ensures profitability, healthy cash flow, and project financial sustainability.

Yes, Interior Design Management Software is designed to be mobile-compatible, allowing you to access projects and collaborate with clients on the go. This improves client service, reduces response times, and increases accessibility.

Absolutely. Interior Design Management Software provides customisation options for branding, workflows, and user interfaces. This allows you to customise the software to your business requirements, improving user adoption and gaining a competitive advantage.