Manpower Security Services Management System

In the ever-evolving landscape of security services, GullySystem's Manpower Security Services System Software stands as a beacon of innovation. Customised for the modern security industry, our software empowers businesses to streamline manpower management, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure strong security protocols. From real-time personnel tracking to seamless scheduling and reporting, our solution redefines how security services are managed.


Efficient Deployment and Scheduling

Seamlessly manage and deploy security personnel with reflexive scheduling features. Optimise resource allocation for maximum security coverage, ensuring operational excellence. Enhance overall efficiency by streamlining human resources management.

Live Incident Tracking and Response

Receive real-time updates on security incidents, empowering rapid response. Efficiently track incidents as they unfold, minimising risks and ensuring client safety. Provide a secure environment with swift and proactive incident management.

Automated Reporting and Documentation

Generate exhaustive security reports effortlessly, saving time and resources. Eliminate manual paperwork through digital documentation, ensuring accuracy. Access historical data for compliance, analysis, and informed decision-making.

Access Control Mastery

Implement strong access control measures, enhancing overall security. Monitor entry and exit points in real-time, ensuring secure premises. Control unauthorised access with precision and ease.

Fleet and Equipment Management

Track security vehicle locations and manage fleet activities seamlessly. Schedule and monitor equipment maintenance for optimal functionality. Ensure security assets are in prime condition, guaranteeing effective operations.

Reduced Incident Resolution Time

Quick incident identification and communication improve response times. Streamline incident resolution channels, leading to faster and more effective outcomes. Enhance overall security effectiveness with swift incident management.


CRM Features

    Billing and Invoicing
  • Automate billing processes for client services, generating accurate invoices based on contract terms, service levels, and billing cycles.
  • Track billable hours, overtime, and additional charges for extra services or special requests.
  • Provide options for electronic invoicing, online payments, and integration with accounting software for seamless financial management.
    Sales Management
  • Track client interactions, inquiries, and service requests to ensure timely follow-up and resolution of customer issues.
  • Create and customise proposals, bids, and service contracts for prospective clients, outlining service offerings, pricing, and terms.
  • Generate sales reports and dashboards to analyse sales performance, pipeline health, and conversion metrics for informed decision-making.
    Incident Reporting and Management
  • Allow security personnel to report incidents, accidents, or security breaches in real-time through the software.
  • Capture incident details including date, time, location, descriptions, and involved parties.
  • Enable supervisors to review and follow up on reported incidents, documenting resolutions and corrective actions taken.

ERP Features

    Employee Management
  • Maintain a database of security personnel including personal information, qualifications, certifications, and work history.
  • Schedule shifts, manage assignments, and track attendance of security personnel.
  • Generate employee ID cards and badges for identification purposes.
    Client Management
  • Store information about clients including contact details, service contracts, and specific security requirements.
  • Manage client contracts, billing, and invoicing processes.
  • Track client feedback and satisfaction levels to ensure quality service delivery.
    Assignment Management
  • Assign security personnel to specific client sites or tasks based on their skills, availability, and client requirements.
  • Monitor the status of assignments in real-time and adjust as needed.
  • Schedule recurring patrols or checks at client premises according to predefined schedules.
    Equipment Management
  • Manage inventory of security equipment such as uniforms, radios, surveillance cameras, and access control systems.
  • Track equipment assignments to specific employees or client sites, and schedule maintenance or replacements as needed.
  • Monitor equipment usage and performance to ensure operational efficiency and compliance with safety standards.
    Contract Management
  • Streamline the process of creating, reviewing, and renewing contracts with clients, ensuring all terms and conditions are accurately reflected.
  • Track contract expiration dates and compliance requirements, providing automated reminders for contract renewals or revisions.
  • Maintain documentation of contract changes, approvals, and legal obligations to mitigate risks and disputes.
    Visitor Management
  • Implement a visitor registration system to record details of visitors entering client premises, including purpose of visit, time in/out, and identity verification.
  • Issue temporary access badges or passes for authorised visitors, with options for pre-registration and security clearance checks.
  • Generate visitor logs and reports for audit trails and security incident investigations.

HRMS Features

    Payroll Management
  • Automated payroll processing, including wage calculation, deductions, and tax withholding.
  • Generate pay stubs and reports for accurate record-keeping and financial transparency.
  • Integrate with accounting software for seamless financial management and reporting.
    Employee Onboarding
  • Streamline onboarding with digital workflows for paperwork, training, and policy acknowledgment.
  • Centralise onboarding materials for easy access and completion by new hires.
  • Track onboarding progress and completion to ensure a smooth transition for new employees.
    Shift Scheduling Management
  • Create and manage employee schedules based on availability, skills, and shift preferences.
  • Handle shift swaps, time-off requests, and schedule adjustments efficiently.
  • Notify employees of schedule changes and updates in real-time to prevent confusion and ensure coverage.
    Credential Management
  • Track and manage employee credentials such as licenses, certifications, and background checks.
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by monitoring credential expiration dates and renewals.
  • Securely store credential documents and records for easy access and verification.
    Compliance Management
  • Monitor compliance with labour laws, industry regulations, and company policies.
  • Conduct audits and assessments to identify compliance gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Implement policies, procedures, and training programs to promote adherence to compliance standards and mitigate risks.


The system maintains a centralised database of security personnel details, stores essential documents, provides quick access to contact information, and includes emergency contact details for each security guard.

Yes, the system can generate automated schedules based on predefined rules and requirements. It ensures efficient shift allocation and distribution of workload.

The system integrates with biometric systems for accurate attendance tracking, allows mobile check-in, generates automated attendance reports for payroll and compliance, and provides alerts for late arrivals or no-shows.

Yes, the system supports performance evaluation by defining and measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), conducting regular feedback sessions, setting performance goals, and implementing a recognition and rewards system.

The system enables real-time incident reporting, captures essential details, allows multimedia attachments as evidence, and initiates an investigation workflow of severe incidents.

The system provides a client portal for access to relevant security information, generates automated client reports on security activities, maintains communication logs, and allows customisation of reports based on client-specific requirements.

Yes, the system integrates with payroll systems for accurate salary calculations, generates billing information based on services rendered, automates client invoicing, and monitors security personnel expenses.

Absolutely, the system is mobile-friendly for on-the-go access to schedules and information, implements GPS tracking for location-based monitoring, enables real-time communication through the mobile app, and allows mobile reporting.

The system ensures compliance by monitoring regulatory standards, maintaining detailed audit trails, enforcing organisational policies, and conducting regular compliance checks.

Yes, the system tracks the use and maintenance of security equipment, sends alerts for inventory replenishment, implements barcode scanning for efficient inventory management, and keeps maintenance logs.

The system provides real-time dashboards for insights, generates analytical reports on manpower utilisation and efficiency, identifies trends and patterns in security operations, and allows customisation of dashboards based on user roles and preferences.

The system supports task assignments, monitors the progress and completion of assigned tasks, sets task priorities based on urgency, and sends automated reminders for upcoming tasks.

Yes, the system integrates with biometric time clocks for accurate attendance, tracks and manages vacation and sick leave requests, implements an automated time-off approval process, and monitors leave accruals for each security guard.

Yes, the helpdesk system addresses inquiries and support requests, implements a ticketing system for issue resolution, provides a knowledge base for self-help and training, and enables support through multiple channels such as email and chat. proval process, and monitors leave accruals for each security guard.